★Basic figure drawing 1

Position of the bones and joints, trying to learn the length of each part

Figure drawing learn it sequentially from the inside.
1"bones and joints", 2"muscle", 3"Clothes"

By your style of painting, Priority of learning is different.
However, "Bone and Joint" is the base of figure drawing.
Let firm learning.

I easily explain it!

I drew a little real skeleton.

Number of the figure is the ratio of the total.
One-half at the position of the hip joint. One-half at the position of the knee.
Remember ratio because the most basic.

To remember each part of the whole body in a ratio is the basis of drawing figure.

Simplifies it more.

Ignore the thickness further.

It is a character of only the frame.

You do not always need to remember in detail the "bones and joints."
Let's start by understanding the relationship between the position of the joint major.

Let the action at this!

①Writing the scale is exactly the position of the head and body.
②Toward the front or back part is shortens it.
③Hit part is set aside a gap.
④Spine is flexible.
⑤Put a mark of joint position.
⑥Body twist.

To reproduce the thickness of the body.
It wrote a circle in the joint, and connected by line.

Let's draw a character by applying the frame body!